Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hello! Hak Yee is back . Again!
Currently chatting with Masagoes. He sweared to god saying he will surly miss every one from our gang. Well! I am bored. I tried to blog everyday , but i'm just too lazy.
Even my chinese teacher can't feel peace without a day scolding me. She Stinks! Why should i write chinese compo? It's so hard! It must be long! Maybe one word could tell you everything about me and it's called : Lazy. How to spell? L-A-Z-Y.
Chinese really sucks! Masagoes stop telling me i'm cute. Cause i know i am! Lol!SYF is coming. I can't wait ! I want to perform to the whole school before the SYF. I am an Angklung player. Maybe Some people don't know what's Angklung. I wil tell you more about it.
Angklung is Angklung. It's made out of Bamboo. It's easily break so you need to handle it with care. I play the base , the longest. Melody is the smallest. Tiki Has the most notes. So which means you need long hand to play a Tiki. How to pronuce Angklung? Ang/K/lung/ That's is easy. How to spell? : A-N-G-K-L-U-N-G .


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